Monday, January 28, 2008

Lies and prayers

A young son was bad about telling lies.

One day his father decided to tell his son such a big lie that the boy would be cured from stretching the truth.

"Son," he said, "one day I was walking down the street, and a twenty-thousand-pound gorilla grabbed me, and threw me down, and was ready to throw me over the building, when a little two-and-a-half pound dog came up and threw that gorilla up a tree, and I got away. Son do you believe that?"

"Sure I do Dad, that was my dog!"


Small boy's prayer: "Dear God, take care of Mommy and Daddy and Sister and Aunt Jenny and Uncle Jim and Grandma and Grandpa, and please God, take care of yourself - or else we're all sunk!"


On the first night of his grandmother's visit, a small boy was saying his prayers.

"Please, God," he shouted, "send me a bicycle, a tool chest, a..."

"Why are you praying so loud?" his older brother interrupted. "God isn't deaf."

"I know He isn't", replied the boy. "But Grandma is."

If laughter, love and compassion fill your home,
your children will always return.


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